Maroon 5, the Five band players
Maroon 5 and their songs
Hi, today's topic is Maroon 5. In last time, I wrote about Jason Mraz, but it quite seemed boring to introduce long with not much pictures. So today, I'll talk about Maroon 5's songs I like mostly.
First of all, I'll introduce Maroon 5 shortly.
There are 5 players in the band.
Adam Levine is a lead vocal. He also plays a acoustic guitar.
Jesse Carmichael is a keyboardist. He's also a guitarist.
Micky Madden is a basest. He is very good at playing a base guitar.
Jason Valentine is a guitarist, too. He usually plays electric guitar.
Matt Flynn is a drummer. He's a professional drummer.

Oh, it slipped my mind. There's one more not in the picture. He's name is
PJ Morton. He's another keyboardist, and he's also a professional play-maker.
Well, now let's talk about songs of Maroon 5.
In my personal opinion, recent songs are not quite good. I don't like the movie and also the song. The movie is horrible.
Now I'll list the songs with some comments. I think you will like it too.
1. Love Somebody
- I knew this song because of my friend, Tom Park. He's a big fan of Maroon 5 like me. We were talking about Maroon 5, and he told me to listen this song, and he satisfied me.
2. Misery
- I also knew this song from my school friend Mr.Song. He loves Maroon 5, more than me! This song's movie is fun enough to enjoy. My institute teacher Andrew Camden loves this song's movie.
3. Leaving California/ Feelings/ It was Always You
- These songs are recent songs of Maroon 5. 'Animals' is most famous, but I hate that song. I like these songs.
4. Moves Like Jagger
- This song is so famous that Samsung used it in Galaxy Note ad. I knew in the ad, too. This song was my ringtone for a long time.
5. One More Night
- I first keep up Maroon 5 because of this song. I listened this song very much that I memorized almost all lyrics only for listening.
6. Lucky Strike/ Beautiful Goodbye

- These songs are in same album 'Overexposed' including 'One More Night' in the title. 'Lucky Strike' is so famous that almost everyone know the BGM of it. Beautiful Goodbye is not very famous, but I love it.
7. Payphone/ This Love
- My classmates love these two songs. I think these songs are most famous. Is it right?
8. Sunday Morning
- I like the lyrics " Sunday Morning the rain is falling". But I don't like next lyrics quite much.
9. Maps
- Well, actually, this song is good, but there are many opinions that this song of Adam Levine, not 'Maroon 5', and I agree.
10. Lost stars - Adam Levine
- This song is an OST of a movie 'Begin Again'. In personal opinion, I like the woman's version more than Levine's.
I'm sorry for not putting enough pictures in here, but I think you will still enjoy.